Tuesday 1 March 2011

March Circle of Light

The Circle of Light is held the first Wednesday of every month.

The next circle is on the 2nd of March

The purpose of this circle is to connect us as a community and to connect to the Healing and Lifegiving flame of Goddess. To send a circle of healing light into the world. This is done in whatever way feels right for you.

The connection to the Circle of Light starts at 6pm local time and goes until 6am the following morning. Please light a candle and tap into the web of energy that we create with our participation. No matter when you connect, the presence of our collective spirits and Goddess will be there.

For the March Circle of Light, let us celebrate our Inner Child. Take a moment in stillness to connect to her/him, feeling her/him awaken in your mind, allowing her/him to enter your thoughts and emotions. Heal your Inner Childs wounds, comfort her/him, hold her/him and shower your Inner Child – and thus your Self – with love and light. See the two of you, two in one, playing and growing together, and allow yourself the joy of playing and laughing playfully.

Look at the world with a child's curious eyes, not yet dimmed by convention, open to the magic that is all around. Open your mind as the child's inventive and imaginative mind, eager to learn, to explore, to grow. Be as sure as a child of your worth and step into the child's exuberant joy.

Join in this Circle of Light and let your soul be filled with joy and light as you connect deeper with your Inner Child, every day becoming wholer and more radiant. Let us bask in the glory of Avalon!

For more information on the Circle of Light, go here.

Blessed be!

Your word of the day/week from Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Ever since first coming into contact with Oriah Mountain Dreamer's poem "The Invitation", and being touched by it, I have liked her work. And since some time back, I follow her "Page" on Facebook. Today she posted a beautiful and simple exercise to find a word for the day/week that I want to spread:
On ceremonial circles people often introduce themselves with whatever word arises with the breath from within the body, allowing the heart to offer a deep intent that unfolds & reveals its meaning over our time together. Take 3 deep breaths, allow the belly to soften, the shoulders to drop, the body-self to be held by the earth. My word to begin this day/week comes: "Trust." What is yours?
I took some deep breaths, grounded myself in my body and listened. The word I got was "believe". Such a beautiful, hopeful word! After sitting with it for a while, I realised that it was also telling me to "be" and "live", and to "be (a)live". It was exactly the guidance I needed for this week, not least after getting "Death" as my card of the week.

At the moment, I don't have the peace of mind to meditate, but this is a quick exercise I will remember and do again. A lovely way to ask for guidance and to connect with what my soul is saying.
