The Circle of Light is held on the first Wednesday of every month. The August Circle of Light will be held on the 3rd of August.
The connection to the Circle of Light starts at 6pm local time and goes until the following morning. Please light a candle and tap into the web of energy that we create with our participation. No matter when you connect, the presence of our collective spirits and Goddess will be there.
For the August Circle of Light, let us ask for the courage to live our lives the way we were born to live, to become who we were born to be. Let us join and together step towards the Light that is our true Selves.
To live a life of Truth, Love, and Beauty, to truly Live Goddess and our faith, may not be as easy as you would like it to be. It may require you to not only let go of the ties that bind you to "truths" about who you are, or should be; but to challenge the roles and limitations placed on you by society. To shed layer upon layer of fear, protocol, convention, habit. To challenge not only how others look at you, but how you look at yourself. We may be free spirits, but Life has a tendency to limit us.
Let us honour our fears and limitations, and start by taking one small step in your Truth, in the Power and Beauty that is yours, and yours alone. Let us weave a web of safety and empowerment, so that we may all challenge one fear at a time. One by one, we peel of the layers to reveal our shining Selves!
Blessed be