Tuesday, 1 May 2012

May Circle of Light

The May Circle of Light will be held on May 2.

At the time of the great mirroring of Beltane and Samhain, the celebration of love and death, the dark and light faces of love and passion, let us honour Love, no matter on which side of the mirror you find yourself.

However light and bubbly your life may be, filled with light and love, there is often a darker side to it. And however dark and sorrowful it may seem, lost in the darkness with no love in light, you are still loved. So very much. You are a child of Goddess, a child of Life, a child of Love. It sings in your entire being with every beating of your heart; it whispers in your every breath.

We all carry wounds of love. We have all been hurt, or hurt someone we love. We all carry the potential to burn ourselves on the fires of passion. Let us all honour those wounds, so that we may take another step towards healing.

At times, the light can feel as painful as the darkness, the smiling face of the Lover may bring us as much sorrow as the Crone's wizened face in Her deepest mourning.
Love and sorrow seem to be close companions. But remember this: travelling with Goddess, travelling with Rhiannon, means to travel across the veils; across the mirror. How else can we guide others through their wounding, if we haven't lived through ours?

Reach out your hand, and the great Mother is there.
Reach out your heart, and Love is there. The great Lover, the Beloved. 

Be true to yourself, where you are now. Allow the hurt, the pain, the joy, the passion. Laugh. Cry. Love. Be love.