Circle of Light

Brief history: The Circle of Light originated on Avalon Yearning a few years ago, and has since been spread by our members, and it is such a joy to know that there are now people all over the world who participate in it. Every month I post this ceremony on Avalon Yearning and on the Facebook group Tuatha de Avalon, hosted by my Circle Sister Elle.
What is the Circle of Light? It is a ceremony centred around the Light; the light in us, the light of the Universe, the light of Goddess, the flame of Goddess - whatever "light" means to you. The purpose of the circle is to connect us all in a web across the world, and to connect to the Healing and Lifegiving flame of Goddess; to send a circle of healing light into the world.
Every month also has its own theme, something that you can choose to focus on, or not. It is all up to you.
When is it? The Circle of Light is held the first Wednesday of every month. The connection to the Circle of Light starts at 6 pm local time and goes until 6 am the following morning. No matter when you connect, or for how long, the presence of our collective spirits and Goddess will be there.
How do I participate? Light a candle and tap into the web of energy that we create with our participation. Say a prayer, meditate, call in a circle, do a ceremony in whichever way feels right to you.
Blessed be