Wednesday, 1 August 2012

August Circle of Light

The August Circle of Light will be held today, starting at 6 pm and continuing until 6am (local times) tomorrow morning.
However, seeing that it is Lammas/Imbolc, I will keep my candle running all through the day and night – join if you can (safety first) and want to.

For this month's circle, I would ask you to create a circle of healing love. There has been much pain and upset around, and if we can centre in the arms of the Great Mother's love that we all have inside, whether mothers or not, and let love flow through our bodies, our souls, our astral bodies, and across the web we weave, our energy can do great work. Starting from our selves, as always.

Let the light of the Maiden fill your heart with healing, and allow that healing into your wounded places, into your words and actions, let it mingle with your love and shine through you.

Let this be a time of life bringing love and healing. To you, through you.
Centre, love, healing.

Blessed be

Read more about the Circle of Light here.

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