Monday 28 July 2008

Getting started

So, a new blog, a new start. Let's see how long I last this time, before the words run out. Which of course they never really do, but there are times when they flow freely and I feel the need to write them down (and do), and times when they just flutter by in a seemingly chaotic sense. The latter are the times when I don't write.

I already have a couple of blogs, in my two languages, but it's been a long time since I had a regular, daily-life-reflections-thoughts blog in English, so I guess this is it. But it is also a sort of thematic blog, as my everyday life is lived in the light and presence of the Lady, Goddess of ten thousand names, the power behind everything, the source and the return. My faith is an essential part of me, part of my life, and as natural as can be. Does that make my life different from most people's? I have absolutely no idea, but I'd guess yes and no. Isn't everyone's life different from "everyone else's"?

I'm spiritual, perhaps even deeply spiritual in the eyes and minds of some, but I'm also a just a woman - which is of course never "just". I love all things beautiful, I can be very girly-girly and have a huge interest in fashion and beauty, but there's also a lot of depth. There's the Priestess part of me, the intellectual, the business woman, the lover, the wounded healer, the motivational coach, the Good Girl (although less so that I used to be), the eternal student with a constant thirst for knowledge, the teacher, the sober former anorexic (sober meaning recovered but aware that it's a part of me that's still there, although mostly dormant) who went so far into the dark that she almost didn't come out - like everyone else, I am a lot of things. And most of that may reflect in my daily life. The eating disorder stuff, however, and most of the things connected to that, is in another blog, where I am sometimes brutally and painfully (for me) honest with how I feel.

Daily life means mundane things, and now I need to get my laundry and then get to work. Today's assignment: Assembly instructions for steel walls. Yay!

Goddess bless

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