Thursday 8 January 2009


At times I'm amazed at the prejudice that some people have. It's not just Christians that are prejudiced against Pagans, but other Pagans have a whole lot of prejudice against us "Goddessians" (a term for Goddess followers that I first read in Medusa Coils). I don't define myself as Pagan, but as a Goddess follower or "Goddessian" as that is a much more apt description of what I am, spiritually.

I recently met a young Pagan man, who is active in Ásatrú. Being Swedish, this is not uncommon for a Northern Pagan, but it's a path that has never ever called to me, mostly because of how patriarchal it is. But he's very openminded and has friends on many other Pagan paths, including some Goddess worshipping female friends. But apparently, there seems to be some very strange preconceived notions about us Goddessians even among other women on similar paths. One of his female friends who is a Goddess follower, or daughter of Gaia, as he put it, actually cautioned him when he went out with me on a sort of date. She said that "we" (meaning what?) have been known to prod little holes in condoms to secretly make ourselves pregnant with men without them ever finding out. What kind of idiotic prejudice is that?!

If I wanted to have a child, I don't think I'd have to lie or deceive any man to get what I want. Come on, it's usually only too easy to get it, if that's what you want. But I don't want "a child"; I want a family and for that I won't just do with any man. The comment still bothers me. Is that really what people think about Goddess-loving women?

I don't think any of my Avalon sisters, who follow the same spiritual path that I do, would recognise that description. For me, deception and lies go against what I believe in, what I stand for. What I feel that the Lady of Avalon stands for. To be true to myself and my path, and to stand in my power, I can't lie. That would only weaken myself, deny my power and light, compromise everything I try to live by.

Though some may call me a witch just because of my life path and beliefs, I am not a witch in the sense of being Wicca. I have absolutely nothing against Wicca or wiccans, but it's just not my path. Nor do I do magic, and I would never ever deal with black magic or use magic to force my will on someone. I don't have the bigger perspective needed to see clearly and fully what any magic would affect, and I definitely would not want to take responsibility for the problems that could be caused by using magic.
Think about the man who wished for a lot of money and who got it, but as an inheritance from his favourite aunt. Her death was not what he had wished for, or wanted, but he hadn't counted on the possible consequences of his wish. I wouldn't take that kind of risk by trying to bend the universe to my will.

What magic I work is by intention, by asking the Lady and the other Goddesses that I follow for their energy, and by putting my earnest and most sincere wishes into what I want - and ask for the highest good. Just like I do when I do healing work, or any other energy work for that matter. I can only put my intention and earnest well-wishes into what I want and hope to manifest it; I can't force it. And I do work with manifestation, with trying to create what I want by energy and intention. Goddess willing, it will be manifest. Which is a whole lot different from working with magic, whether white or black. Once again, I don't say anything against those who use magic, I'm merely stating my point and explaining why I don't. We are each responsible for our own choices and actions.

But the prejudice, I guess, is something I will always face in one way or another. This time it was unexpected and even more so coming from another Goddess follower. C'est la vie.

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