Tuesday 13 January 2009

I miss the sun!

The sun doesn't seem to have risen today. Again. This is the third completely overcast day in a row. I stupidly went back to bed after feeding the cats this morning and woke up at 8:30, but even then it was still so dark it could have been at least an hour earlier. It brightened a bit for a while, but still no trace of the sun. And now it's raining, the dense sort of drizzle that seems like a solidified mist and that absolutely seeps through any umbrella or rain clothes. Gah - this is driving me nuts!

Honestly, Forks and the Olympic peninsula can't possibly be this bad. At least there's some amazing nature there. I completely fell in love with the scenery in Twilight (of course, since I was already in love with everything else about it); the forests, the mountains, the water... It was awe-inspiring. I could live there! City girl wanting to go into the wild again :) But I really love some real nature. Perhaps it's my Lap ancestry calling me back to Nature, or a calling from the dreamlike images of a vast wilderness that I have yet to place geographically.

In my father's childhood village, up in the Arctic region of Sweden, the sun has only just begun to rise above the horizon again, after 6 weeks of not rising at all, but I doubt that it's as grey and drab as here. OK, so I did whine a bit last week when the temperature dropped to -14 centigrade and I was f*ing freezing indoors as well, and I almost started crying when I had to go outside because it was so cold no matter how many layers of clothes I had on (I don't know what's happened, I didn't use to be this soft. Perhaps it's age), but at least it was sunny. I miss the sun.

I'd rather just crawl into bed with a stack of books, my laptop with all my music, drag the TV in from the livingroom and pretty much go into hibernation until spring comes. But that might be another 3 months... So I'd better stop whining and just get back to work. I guess that's the main reason for my whining: I'm just bored. But there are things to so, so I'd better get them done. Always such a sense of duty.

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