Monday 7 December 2009

This crazy little thing called love

This is an intense period for you when it comes to emotions and romance, Capricorn, and you will learn a lot about yourself during this time. Whether you are single or attached, you are going to find that your emotional responses to romantic situations are much deeper than even you expected them to be. These emotions are on the positive side for you, and you are experiencing a need to share, receive, and give love wherever an opportunity may exist. If there are areas that need improvement in love, you will find these issues surface easily during this period, and this will allow you to bring the issues out into the open and let them go with your natural grace and charm

Love horoscope for December 6 on Facebook. And strangely accurate. OK, uncannily accurate.

There's a whole Rhiannon journey under way; a mirroring across the Wheel and mirroring in so many ways that I'm almost blown away and not sure what to make of it. I've known for a time that there is a major shift under way, but whether that's a shift of consciousness or an emotional shift, I do not know. Yet. Probably both.

The red kundalini serpent is stirring restlessly, the red flame of passion rekindled. I am feeling things I haven't felt for a long time and am thoroughly confused.
It is a very intense time, so far emotionally, but riding with Rhiannon, I hope that romance may be on its way. And I am learning heaps about myself, opening up, getting stronger, deepening, glowing. My emotions suddenly go so much deeper than ever before that some blockages must surely have been cleared, new gates into the very depth of my being opened. It's mindblowing.

I've shifted from not knowing anything, not knowing whether to trust my emotions, to just going with the flow, following my emotions as they will become clear to me, bit by bit. There's a lot of fear and self-doubt in the way, but I know that I can trust my instincts - if I dare do it. So why not give it a try? Trust what I'm feeling here, now, but letting things work in their own time. I don't have to know what I feel, I have no decisions to make, no-one's given me any hard questions to answer. I can go with the flow and let it take its course.

At times I feel ready to burst with love, to have my overflowing heart explode into a million little hearts that fly across the world, and I know this feeling. I've felt it before, with Goddess. This is what I felt holding the Lover Goddess. But this time, she is a part of me. I'm letting Her love shine through me as best I can. And I pray that in doing so, I may find it for myself. That She will hold up a mirror and reflect it back at me.

In the meantime, I am stepping over the wall of fear and doubt and dreaming. If I listen to my intuition, I have a very good feeling about things. There is something I want, and I will dream about it, manifest it and live the dream. What else can I do? The only way to turn dream into reality is by living it. And I will. I do.

1 comment:

Elle said...

It all sounds wonderful and promising. May love come your way in whatever way Rhiannon deems it to. xoxoxo