Friday 20 August 2010

A Thing of Beauty: An Ode to Hummingbirds

I found this blog post on Nikki Reed's blog, which I occasionally read. I've seen a couple of interviews with her since the Twilight craze started, and been … intrigued. She's not like your average Hollywood actress; like with Kristen Stewart, you don't know what she will say, how she will reply to the questions. And I'm getting that she' pretty smart. Quirky, undoubtedly very very creative, and smart. Reading her blog also reveals that she has an interesting way with words, that absolutely appeals to me, and a fascinating way to look at the world.

This piece, An Ode to Hummingbirds, was written by her grandfather, and was just so beautiful and captivating, and sad, that I want to share it. (Go here for a slightly larger version if you have trouble reading it.)

I have never seen a hummingbird; we don't get them this far north. But they have always fascinated me; so tiny, so beautiful, so full of energy, appearing to defy the laws of gravity. My heart weeps for those two souls, although I know that they are endlessly, forever flying in the Summerlands, and for the fact that once again, we humans are responsible for a creature so beautiful becoming scarce.

1 comment:

Elle said...

Beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing it! Reminds me of when I used to live in Virginia and hummingbirds visited our garden.