Monday 18 May 2009

Strange days

So I'm finding it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning. Yesterday (Sunday) was pretty weird; I was so amazingly tired that I think I must have gone back to bed 4 times during the day, and I kept yawning and yawning - which of course doesn't make you any less tired. But some time after 10pm, I felt energised again. Perhaps I'm really turning into some sort of nocturnal creature?

But I recalled what my nail technician (yes, I am that vain) said something about the side-effects she got from the same antidepressant that I take; all of a sudden she almost can't get out of bed in the morning (for me, it takes almost an hour) and she keeps yawning. Check. So perhaps it's that simple: I'm more tired, find it difficult to get out of bed although I'm not necessarily that tired in the morning, and yawn a lot more as a side-effect. And I did up my dosage only a week and a half ago, so naturally any side-effects are bound to be more marked for a while. Annoying!

I used to be an early riser, and compared to many people I know, I still am. I'm really not too tired in the morning, or in the evening/at night, but in between can be a bit of a challenge. At the moment, I'm trying to think that it's probably just a residue of the exhaustion from autumn and to give myself time to heal, take naps if I need to and so on. But at the same time, I'm wondering how long it will take for me to get back to normal energy levels. Should it really take this long? I'm not worried; more impatient and annoyed. (Of course. Patience still isn't my greatest virtue.)

So today, I'll try to keep my eyes pried open while I'm going through the proofs for my next book translation. This is the boring part of translating books: The editing. It's pretty mind-numbing work that really requires a minimum of creativity on my part, which is probably why I think it's so boring. I want a creative challenge!

But first of all: A nice cuppa herbal tea...

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