Wednesday, 8 September 2010

September Circle of Light

The September Circle of Light will be held tonight, September 8.

The purpose of the Circle of Light is to connect us as a community and to connect to the Healing and Lifegiving flame of Goddess. To send a circle of healing light into the world. This is done in whatever way feels right for you.

The connection to the Circle of Light starts at 6pm local time and goes until the following morning. Please light a candle and tap into the web of energy that we create with our participation. No matter when you connect, the presence of our collective spirits and Goddess will be there.

For the September Circle of Light, let us work from a place of grace and gratitude to manifest that which we want more of. Rest assured that we are held by Goddess and provided for – lean back into the Mother's arms and trust Her. Have faith that all will be well.

Fill your mind with gratitude, feel the love, and dream. From the dreams, we manifest our future. We get more of that which we focus on, so direct your mind in positivity and light, and with a wish for the greater good, to what you want at this time. Ask that your prayers be heard, if they are meant to be, and dream the future.

This is the time: Who do you want to be? What life do you choose? Dream it into being. The Mother will provide, albeit not necessarily in the way we want or expect. She hears our prayers and knows our dreams; She will give us what we need.

Join in this Circle of Light and weave a web of love and gratitude that will manifest a new life, a new world. Shine the light of Avalon, and let it reflect in your light!

For more information on the Circle of Light, go here.

Blessed be

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